Syrian Consulate Closed. Syrian Asylum Applications Possible?

Given the recent and ongoing violence that is occurring in Syria, it is no surprise that the U.S. government has closed down its consular processing services at the U.S. consulate in Syria until further notice.  Applicants who would normally use the Syrian consulate are instructed to use another U.S. consulate.

File:Flag of Syria (WFB 2004).gifFor those Syrians in the United States, it may be a good time to review whether they may face persecution if they are required to return to Syria following their current stay in the United States.  Although it is normally required for an asylum applicant to seek asylum within one year of entering the United States, it is possible to file an affirmative asylum application after the one year mark if circumstances have changed.  The brutal crackdown on protesters in Syria may very well be considered a change in circumstances.

Additionally, it is possible to apply for affirmative asylum even if you are in the United States in legal immigration status.  If you are in the United States on a valid immigration status, it could be possible to apply for asylum and, eventually, become a permanent resident in the United States pursuant to the asylum application.


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